IMPORTANT: First of all there is NO NEED AT ALL to update to new iOS 4.2. Only iPad owners will benefit out of 4.2 firmware. All others i-device users will have very minor changes. So it is advised to stay on 4.1 Firmware.
This video is on Jailbreaking your iPhone 3g, 3gS, iPhone 4, iPad & iPod Touch 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation. Redsnow 0.9.6 used in this video will act as a Tethered Jailbreak for all new devices namely iPhone 4, iPhone 3gS (New Bootrom), iPod Touch 2nd gen (MC Model), iPod Touch 3rd & 4th generations respectively.Tethered meaning whenever you reboot your devices you will have to run Redsnow again choosing option in Redsnow that says "Just boot tethered right now". Owners of iPhone 3g and iPhone 3gS (Old Bootrom) and iPod Touch 2nd gen (Non- MC Model) will have an Untethered Jailbreak.
iTunes 10.1 is required to work with new iOS 4.2 firmware. Download iTunes 10.1 for Mac and Windows from
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6 for Windows here:
Download Redsn0w 0.9.6 for Mac here:
Download iOS 4.2 (also named as 4.2.1) from here:
iPhone 3g =
iPHone 3gS =
iPHone 4 =
iPod Touch 2nd gen =
iPod Touch 3rd gen =
iPod Touch 4th gen =
iPad 4.2 Firmware =
a) Before opening Redsnow, Right Click on it and hit Properties. Then go to 'Compatibility' tab. Here Check mark 2 things. One will be on top that says 'Run this program in Compatibility mode for' (Choose Windows 98/ Windows ME from drop down menu) and second will be at the bottom that says 'Run this program as administrator'. Press Apply then Ok. Done. Now run Redsnow.
b) If while running Redsnow, it gets stuck on uploading Ramdisk or waiting for reboot, then hold home and Power buttons together on your iPHone or iPOd Touch for few seconds till it shuts off. Don't hold buttons too long that it turns back on again. Now when it is completely off then run Redsnow again.
c) If Redsnow gets stuck during Jailbreaking Process then simply reboot your Computer. Now run Redsnow after rebooting computer. IT will run smooth.
d) Also while running Redsnow, when it is time to hold buttons- at the end keep holding home button as long as 30 seconds till jailbreak data picture appears on iPhone/iPod screen. Done.
Stay tuned for UNLOCK on iOS 4.1 - 4.2 firmware. Coming soon...
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