The Mechanic
Directed by:
Simon West
Jason Statham
Release date:
Fri 28, Jan 2011
Posted by Luffy | Posted on 5:39 PM
Category: ReadBud - A total scam site , readbud legit , readbud scam , Readbud.com real review and not bias , real payment proof
ReadBud a total scam Last month of november 12th 2010 i manage to reach the $50 min of ReadBud and i cash it out to my paypal account. When i login to my paypal account "guess what" there is nothing came from ReadBud and its 30 days not since i redeem my $50 i earned for the past 4 months of reading ReadBud. I feel like i wasted my precious time on this nonsense scam site of ReadBud. For now on i will not use ReadBud for my whole life even visit there site. For those who still uses ReadBud all i can say is PLEASE dont use that anymore your just wasting your time on their site.
Posted by Luffy | Posted on 10:34 PM
Category: How to Tell If Relationship Will Last , What Makes a Guy Fall in Love With a Woman? Here Are the Factors Which Make the Biggest Difference , When Adult Children Move Home
It seems to be happening increasingly these days. Children grow up, leave home, work, and then move back home. Sometimes it's after five years. Sometimes it's after 25 years. I've been there as a parent... a few times. Most adult children who move home do so as an expedient.
The typical agreement among the three is that they will all get along and treat one another with respect. Each will contribute financially according to means. Obviously, the financial contribution of the returning offspring may be quite limited.
Although sometimes the homecoming son or daughter is accompanied by children and/or a spouse, which makes the arrangement more complicated, I'll assume for the present the returning adult child is single, and the parents are together.
Since they are three adults living together, they agree to chip in and do their share of the usual chores around the property. They also agree that if things don't work out for any reason the son or daughter will make their own arrangements to live elsewhere.
"Not working out" is intended to mean that one or more of the parties becomes unhappy with the arrangement and can't get past that. Unhappiness could arise because the adult child's "occasional drink" turns out to be serious drug or alcohol abuse. Criminal behavior, (theft, producing drugs, holding stolen property, etc.), someone feeling abused, or the parents fighting with each other could be other sources of unhappiness.
Unfortunately, this very sensible agreement is seldom written down. Then, if things deteriorate, instead of looking for sensible solutions, each refers back to his or her recollection of the agreement: "but you promised..." Everyone seems to have forgotten the escape plan.
The dynamic of the typical deterioration is almost universal. In rare cases it may be avoided if all parties are very conscious of it in advance and are very vigilant.
So what is the dynamic? It usually starts off well with everyone having the best of intentions to live as an adult couple with another adult. However, they have never done this before with one another. But they have years of experience of living together as parents and a child.
The adult son does something that he would have done as a teenager at home, but has never done as an adult on his own. Or one of the parents say something that they said frequently when their daughter was a teenager at home, but would never say to a stranger who was staying with them as boarder.
A teenager's psychological work is to be somewhat defiant in preparation for leaving home. The parents' job is to launch their teenager into adulthood.
The parents say "Let us know when you'll be home." They may be asking for the common courtesy that they give to each other. But the adult son or daughter experiences this as an attempt to control. Memories of teenage curfews are triggered. In unconscious defiance, they don't give the courtesy they would have extended without question to a same-aged roommate.
It takes great restraint for a parent to not act like a parent when you're 25-year-old or 45-year-old offspring is acting like a teenager. I'm not sure I ever got the knack of it. It is even more of a challenge for the less mature adult child to stay adult when the parents are acting like parents of a teenager.
For the sake of everyone's sanity, always have an escape plan. You could even post it on the refrigerator.
Posted by Luffy | Posted on 10:06 PM
Category: How to Tell If Relationship Will Last , Make Your Man Settle Down With You - Here Is How to Do It , When Adult Children Move Home
It takes a lot to be that woman who can get a man to settle down. If you want to be that woman and get your guy to settle down with you here is what you will need to do:
Showing that you care for him
A man will settle down with a woman who is emotionally independent and self reliant. But at the same time this woman has to have the capacity to show that she can care for him and for all the people and things that are important to him.
The way you make him feel
A guy will settle down with that girl who makes him feel special. Much like women, men too want to settle with women who make them feel important and wanted. If you want your man to settle down with you then you have to make him feel like there is no one else like him for you.
That you accept him for the man he is
Men also settle with those women who are confident and comfortable accepting them for the way they are. They do not want to morph into some prototype that is created in the woman's mind. If you want a man to settle with you love him for who he is and the way he is.
That you are his pillar of strength
A man will want to settle with that woman who will be his pillar of strength. As a couple they need to click and support each other. If he sees a woman crumbling each time there is a crisis he will not want to be with her for life.
You give him space and respect his boundaries
A man wants his space and wants his woman to respect his boundaries. Without this a relationship for him becomes too suffocating to be in. If you want a man to settle with you then you have to learn to trust him and also give him his alone time without making him feel guilty about it.
You respect him
Men want their women to respect them. If you want your man to settle down with you, you have to learn to give him the respect he deserves. While you have to be truthful to the relationship and not let him feel like he knows everything, you cannot completely discount all that he says always.
You love him like no one else
Finally, a man will want to settle down with you when he sees that you love him like no one else. Make him feel the love and the ring will be on your finger soon enough.
Posted by Luffy | Posted on 2:03 AM
Category: Facebook , facebook game cheats and hacks , Facebook introduces new profile layout , FACEBOOK WARNING [Cyber Crime]
Cue the protests! Facebook has just introduced one of their habitual changes to the appearance of the world’s most popular social networking site, and while it’s opt-in for now, rest assured that the new profile changes will inevitably garner the same sort of knee-jerk hysteria as every other past Facebook permutation.
What’s new? First, underneath your name, the new profile has an introductory scrawl to your whole life, including your location, school, work history, languages spoken, birthday and more. Underneath that is a strip of pictures in which you are tagged: this strip is automatically pulled from the most recent images in which you’ve been tagged, and can be hidden from displaying with a click. A new featured friends section allows you to highlight your BFFs and create groups of friends as you see fit.
Another big change is the one that Facebook is calling the “New Experience” which gives you a new way to share your activities and interests, complete with illustrative icon. It’s basically a favorites list, but a groupable one: for example, you can group a number of people from work together, then click on the group to display status updates from these members specifically.
The change I’m most excited about is the improved photos, though, which adds some of the lightbox features that were tipped as coming to Facebook previously, as well as a new infinite scroll feature to easily flash through your Facebook photo library without clicking on anything.
All Facebook changes are contentious, and there’s already been some grumbling about this one, but if you want to give the new profiles a try, you can do it by going here and clicking the opt-in button at the top.
Posted by Luffy | Posted on 9:44 PM
Category: best ptc site , cashium , Cashium is now up and running under its new Management , cashium scam , high paying ptc site , ptc investigation
Let me be the first to introduce myself:
My name is James and I'm from the United Kingdom.
As the new admin on Cashium, a number of issues needed to be addressed to prevent issues arising again.
Our first priority has always been to protect the members and remain unbiased and fair in our decision making.
However at the same time we cannot be held reliable for the past issues under the old administration. I would urge you to contact the previous admin regarding any disputes or unpaid balances.
So why take over Cashium ?
Simply to get it back on its feet and make it a sustainable / profitable venture for its members.
We believe we can find the perfect balance for this to be achieved.
The changes made to Cashium accounts include:
Standard accounts now have a higher earning power.
Main balance and purchase balance has been reset.
Rented referrals will remain active for 15 days then be reset.
Adjustments made to membership groups to improve stability.
New membership group introduced: Cashguru, with generous (high) earning power ability.
Changes made outside of Cashium include:
Same-day response support team.
UK Company formation and authentication.
Bug fixes.
Deposits (cashin) and Cashouts have been disabled for 2 days to allow you to earn from clicks.
During this time we will be implementing our security payment script to ensure all transactions are secure, trusted and verified to limit disputes and issues.
We understand many of you may have questions relating to how the new management links in with: Active or disputes / claims in Paypal with the old admin etc..
We have NO link or relation with the old admin with this matter, I advice simply to contact him via Paypal claim or via his email.
If you have any questions let me know.
I wish you all many earnings.
Kind Regards,